Master mention droit international et droit européen parcours LLM International Aviation Law (2ème année)

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European School of Law
Bureaux AR334
2 rue du doyen Gabriel Marty
Tel.: 00 33 (0)5 61 63 38 48

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Service Universitaire d’Information d’Orientation et d’Aide à l’Insertion Professionnelle (SUIO-IP)
2 rue du Doyen Gabriel Marty
31042 Toulouse Cedex 9
e-mail :
05 61 63 37 28
Logo France Compétences
Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État
Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État


Infos générales

Durée de la formation
1an - 2 semestres
Lieu(x) de la formation
Toulouse (campus UT Capitole)
Accessible en
  • Formation initiale
  • Formation continue
  • Formation en alternance
  • Formation en apprentissage
  • Reprise d'étude


* English


Code RNCP : 36113

Capacity : 15 students max.


Flying has become common but for most human beings it remains an incredible achievement! In spite of the Covid-19 global crisis, the aviation sector has a bright future. This crisis is a real game-changer, legitimately questioning both players and models, but it is definitely not the end of the long-lasting adventure of aviation. Air traffic is gradually resuming and private entities as well as public institutions are committed to tackling aviation’s greatest challenge: flying with zero carbon emissions. Aside from environmental concerns, regional and international regulation authorities, airlines, airport operators, aircraft manufacturers, OEM, MRO and groundhandling firms have to face a growing number of complex challenges and to deal with more legal and regulatory issues such as safety, security, export control, embargoes, data protection, competition, unmanned systems… In this context, the demand for qualified legal expertise is increasing.
The LLM International Aviation Law aims at offering strong expertise and appropriate solutions to aviation sector players. With more than 300 hours of face-to-face teaching, a set of comprehensive modules addressing the major current legal issues of this area, and many academic and industrial partnerships, this LLM stands first and unique worldwide and is designed both for graduate students and for top executives in these domains.

For half a century, Toulouse, France, has been home to major international aeronautic players (Airbus, ATR...) and the most renowned centre for education and research in the aerospace sector (ISAE-Supaero / ENAC). The University of Toulouse Capitole and its well-known European School of Law offers cutting-edge programs, fully taught in English.

The LLM brings together academic faculty from Toulouse Capitole University, international partner universities, engineering institutes, and industry-experienced speakers from major aviation related firms and institutions: Airbus, ATR, Thalès, Daher, ISAE-Supaero, law firms (Chevrier, Selene, JH, Hughes Hubbard Reed…) Goshawck, Flightright, ADP, Airfrance, Safran SEP… All taught courses, as well as assignments, exams, group-work are in English. Additional French as a Foreign Language classes may be organized on demand. Classes are organized to fit continuing education participants’ schedules (one teaching week each month).

This one-year specialization (Master 2nd year) aims at offering strong expertise and appropriate solutions to aviation sector players. With over 300 hours of in-class teaching – a set of comprehensive modules addressing the major current issues in aviation law – and many academic and industrial partnerships, this Master is unique worldwide. It takes a strategic and interdisciplinary approach to the main legal challenges within this field and is designed both for graduate students and for top executives.


The LLM includes over 300 hours of teaching and seminars divided into 2 core modules and 4 specialized modules. All modules are mandatory to obtain the Master's degree. Courses are offered in sessions of four to six days, approximately once a month. Participants also have either to complete an internship or to conduct a group-work project under academic or professional supervision.

Evaluation :
Core module 1 : a 3-hour written exam (practical case) – 15 credits
Core module 2: a 3-hour written exam (practical case) – 15 credits
Specialized modules : one oral examination encompassing all 4 modules + at least one in-class assessment per module – 16 credits
Internship or group project : written report and defense – 14 credits


Toulouse (campus UT Capitole)

Responsable(s) de la formation

Formation continue
Manufacture des Tabacs- Bat. Q
21, allée de Brienne
31042 Toulouse Cedex 9

Pôle Alternance :
Courriel :
Tél. : 05 61 12 87 14
Contact formation continue : Véronique Lemozy
Courriel :
Tél : 05 61 12 86 49



Niveau(x) de recrutement

Bac + 4

Conditions d'admission / Modalités de sélection

Targeted public:
The LLM is open to applicants:
  • holding a 1st year of a Master's degree (240 ECTS)
  • holding a Bachelor’s degree granted in 4 years (240 ECTS)
  • holding an engineering degree
  • holding an equivalent degree in the fields of Law, Economics, Management, Engineering, Tourism...
  • or having proven solid professional experience related to the aviation sector
  • lifelong learners

A good command of English is mandatory (no test required).




CORE MODULES – 125 hours – 30 credits

Core module 1 – Aerospace legal framework – 65 hours
-   Private international law (15 hrs)
-   Dispute settlement (litigation / ADR / Arbitration) (15 hrs)
-   Public international law (10 hrs)
-   Aviation international and European framework (15 hrs)
-   Intellectual property in the aviation sector (10 hrs)

Core module 2 – Aerospace economics & management – 60 hours
-   Compliance in the aviation sector (10h)
-   Aviation economics (10 hrs)
-   Aerospace management (15 hrs)
-   Insurance issues in the air sector (10 hrs)
-   Sustainable development and air transport (10 hrs)
-   Aviation historical and geopolitical landmarks (5 hrs)


SPECIALIZED MODULES – 185 hours – 16 credits

 UE 3 Contracts and financing – 60 hours
-   Sales, purchase and support contracts in the aviation sector (15 hrs)
-   Guarantees (10 hrs)
-   Aircraft financing – leasing and lease-back operations (15 hrs)
-   Aviation and competition law (10 hrs)
-   Export control (10h)

UE 4 Security – Safety – Liability – 60 hours
-   Aviation security (10 hrs)
-   Aviation safety and accident investigation (10 hrs)
-   Carriers liability / passengers’ rights (20 hrs)
-   Data protection in aviation   (10 hrs)
-   Human factors (10 hrs)

UE 5 Airports – 25 hours
-   Airport construction, ownership & management models (15 hrs)
-   Airport facilitation and slots management (10 hrs)

UE 6 Aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles – 40 hours
-   Drones regulatory framework (15 hrs)
-   Aerospace engineering (aircraft, air transport system) (15 hrs)
-   Airworthiness (10 hrs)

Every student must complete an internship of at least three months or a group project.

Et après ?

Compétences visées

Fiche RNCP

Débouchés professionnels

Secteurs d'activité ou type d'emploi

Career prospects : Students who obtain the LLM have several legal job opportunities, and especially those in relation with international aviation law. The programme provides them with the skills needed to hold positions in international law firms, private sector companies (e.g. airlines, aircraft and engine manufacturers, OEM, MRO), civil aviation authorities but also in public services, including international or European institutions.


Coût de la formation

Registration fees : - 6000 euros for intitial training - 9000 euros for alternate training

Modalités d'inscription

Selection criteria

The admission committee will assess your application based on academic results, personal experience (international and/or professional) and motivation.  

Application procedure
The first application phase is now closed for foreign students. A new phase will be launched in the next few months. If you are interested in receiving informations towards the next application phase, please fill the form on this page.

Required documents for all applicants :
- A copy of your passport or I.D
- A copy of diploma(s) and official transcript(s).
- A cover letter (in English)
- A curriculum vitae (in English)
- Certificate of English proficiency (not mandatory)

IMPORTANT : Depending on your country of residence, you may have to comply with additional procedures. Please get in touch with the Campus France office in your home country or check at:

WORK-LINKED : This programme is available as a work-linked course in the 2nd year of the Master's degree. If you are interested in this training under a work-based training contract, click HERE